Learn about Erotic and Sensual Massage

Here TouchByVenus.Com explains about the massage techniques.

Erotic massage

Erotic massage is the use of massage techniques to achieve or enhance sexual arousal. Massages have been used for medical purposes for a very long time. Its use for erotic purposes also has a long history. Today it is used by some couples on occasions as part of lovemaking, either as foreplay or as the final act. sex acct. Erotic massages typically feature massages in erogenous zones of the body to increase arousal.

Sensual massage

Sensual massage An unstructured massage that uses touch for an emotionally pleasing response. Strokes are typically light or moderate, and are not intended to be physically therapeutic. Typically, an atmosphere of relaxation is set through the use of candles and music. The practitioner often is unclothed as well as the client. Unlike Erotic Massage, Sensual Massage may not specify climax as a goal. Instead, it is intended to indulge the client, to make him or her feel special and cared for. Often, full-body contact is utilized by the practitioner. Sensual massage is widely offered by untrained practitioners. The only structured, trademarked variety of Sensual Massage is Body Electric, who trains therapists through their center in Oakland, California. This variety of sensual massage is intended to promote positive self-image and acceptance of the body, and help to reattach a wholesome view of sexual energy within the body. Performed on undraped clients using creams or oils, on a table, bed, or floor.

Shiatsu massage

Shiatsu is a Japanese form of bodywork. The word shiatsu means "finger pressure", and shiatsu is sometimes described as a finger pressure massage.

Like acupuncture, shiatsu is based on the holistic system of traditional Chinese medicine, where illness is thought to result from imbalances in the natural flow of energy, or qi (pronounced "chee") through the body.

Shiatsu therapists use finger and palm pressure to energetic pathways, called meridians to improve the flow of qi.

A scientific explanation is that shiatsu calms an overactive sympathetic nervous system, which improves circulation, relieves stiff muscles, and alleviates stress.

Thai massage

Thai massage is believed to have been developed by Jivaka Kumar Bhaccha, physician to Buddha, more than 2,500 years ago in India.

It made its way to Thailand, where the Ayurvedic techniques and principles gradually became influenced by traditional Chinese medicine.

For centuries, Thai massage was performed by monks as one component of Thai medicine. Thai massage is more energizing and rigorous than more classic forms of massage.

Thai massage is also called Thai yoga massage, because the therapist uses his or her hands, knees, legs, and feet to move you into a series of yoga-like stretches. Many people say Thai massage is like doing yoga without any work.

Muscle compression, joint mobilization, and acupressure are also used during treatment.

People describe Thai massage as both relaxing and energizing.

Sports massage

Sports massage was designed for athletes, but is useful for anyone with chronic pain, injury or range-of-motion issues.

Sports massage was originally developed to help athletes prepare their bodies for optimal performance, recover after a big event, or function well during training. Sports massage emphasizes prevention and healing of injuries to the muscles and tendons.Sports massage is also good for people with injuries, chronic pain or restricted range of motion. The massage therapist generally concentrates on a specific problem area. This is the type of sports massage that you see in the spa. Sports massage is a type of Swedish massage that stimulates circulation of blood and lymph fluids. Some sports massage movements use trigger point massage to break down adhesions (knots in the muscles) and increase range of motion.

There are four types of sports massages:

* pre-event sports massage -- a short, stimulating massage 15 - 45 minutes before the event. It is directed toward the parts of the body that will be involved in the exertion.

* post-event sports massage -- given within an hour or two of the event, to normalize the body's tissues.

* restorative sports massage -- given during training to allow the athelete to train harder and with less injury.

* rehabilitative sports massage -- aimed at alleviating pain due to injury and returning the body to health.

Swedish massage

Swedish massage is the most commonly offered and best-known type of massage. If it's you're first time at the spa. Swedish massage is the perfect place to start.

During Swedish massage, massage therapists use massage oils to facilitate smooth, gliding strokes called effleurage. Other classic Swedish massage moves include kneading, friction, stretching and (sometimes) tapping.

Swedish massage uses firm but gentle pressure to promote relaxation, ease muscle tension and create other health benefits.

Generally during Swedish massage you're nude underneath a towel or sheet. The therapist uncovers only the part of the body he/she is working on, a technique called "draping".

You can keep your underwear on during Swedish massage, and many newcomers do.

Feel free to state your preference for pressure during Swedish massage. It can range from light to firm. Swedish massage usually includes some deeper work on areas of specific muscle tension. If you want more intensive work and firmer pressure, get a deep tissue.

Deep tissue Massage

Deep tissue massage is a type of massage therapy that focuses on realigning deeper layers of muscles and connective tissue.

It is especially helpful for chronically tense and contracted areas such as stiff necks, low back tightness, and sore shoulders.

Some of the same strokes are used as classic massage therapy but the movement is slower and the pressure is deeper and concentrated on areas of tension and pain.

When there is chronic muscle tension or injury, there are usually adhesions (bands of painful, rigid tissue) in muscles, tendons, and ligaments.

Adhesions can block circulation and cause pain, limited movement, and inflammation.

Deep tissue massage works by physically breaking down these adhesions to relieve pain and restore normal movement. To do this, the massage therapist often uses direct deep pressure or friction applied across the grain of the muscles.

At certain points during the massage, most people find there is usually some discomfort and pain.

It is important to tell the massage therapist when things hurt and if any soreness or pain you experience is outside your comfort range.

There is usually some stiffness or pain after a deep tissue massage, but it should subside within a day or so. The massage therapist may recommend applying ice to the area after the massage.

Four hands massage

Four hand massage is a type of massage therapy which involves two therapists working simultaneously, creating a choreographed massage. There are a number of different styles of four hand massage to choose from, with most spas explaining the options to their patrons so that they can select the style which works best for them. As a general rule, four hand massage is more expensive than other forms of massage, since two therapists must be compensated for their time and skill.

Reflexology (zone therapy)

Reflexology is an alternative medice method by using the physical act of applying pressure to the feet and hand with specific thumb, finger and hand techniques without the use of oil or lotion. It is based on a system of zones and reflex areas that reflect an image of the body on the feet and hands with a premise that such work effects a physical change to the body. A 2009 systematic review of randomised controlled trials concluded that the latest available evidence does not show convincingly that reflexology is an effective treatment for any medical condition.